By Malika Burieva
In October 2022, Adelphi University’s Levermore Global Scholars (LGS) Program unveiled the Bhisé Global Learning Experience in India 2023 Program. This intensive yet immersive 10-day study tour to India was established and sponsored by Adelphi alumni Bharat Bhisé, MBA ‘78, CEO and founder of Bravia Capital. The program occurred in January 2023 Intersession, where eight LGS students of various majors were selected. It catered toward their majors and research projects that will be presented during the Scholarship and Creative Works Conference on April 25, 2023. The group analyzed the country’s global function through the arts, women’s empowerment, business, politics, the environment and health and wellness while visiting three of India’s major cities: New Delhi, Goa and Mumbai.

For me, a junior communications major, experiencing India was almost indescribable. It was the first country in Asia that I had visited. Each city had its own culture and diversity that I was pleasantly surprised to see. The itinerary provided to us consisted of a myriad of activities. We visited multiple schools, bazaars, lectures, research centers and concerts. The day that stood out to me the most was taking a trip to Agra, India to visit the Taj Mahal. It was a privilege to experience one of the wonders of the world. I did not expect cultural similarities between India and my own. My family is from Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia that birthed the Mughul Empire. The empire spread to North India, bringing its language, architecture and culture. The cultural similarities were what drew me to apply to this program. I have grown up watching Indian cinema, known as “Bollywood.” Through the multitude of Bollywood movies, I was introduced to Indian culture. Since childhood, I have always wanted to visit India. I knew that I had to apply once the program became official.

The Bhisé Global Learning Program in India is a study-abroad experience I will cherish forever. As a child, a visit to India was simply an imagination. I never thought that it would come true. However, I was aware of my privileges when visiting. My parents are immigrants, so they gave me a life they never had. While I matured, I became aware of such. I knew that I would be more appreciative of my upbringing coming back from India. I had the privilege of visiting such a country of rich culture through a praiseworthy study-abroad opportunity. I am thankful for what I had growing up as a first-generation American. My upbringing and how I see the world will directly impact my future career choices in journalism. In terms of volunteer decisions, I would like to give back to those who never had an ounce of an upbringing like mine. This study tour solidified my future choices career-wise.
The first study tour to India through Adelphi’ LGS Program will be an unforgettable experience for all its members, including myself. The program taught me patience and gratuity. Traveling is a learning experience. A first-hand experience is far more suitable than reading it from a textbook or watching a video. I am grateful to travel during a post-lockdown world. It is delightful to see the world opening up again and opportunities such as this arising considering the world was in lockdown for two and a half years. This year was off to a great start.